Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Three Words

It is amazing how three simple words put in the correct order can capture a mind and a heart.  They can change a life.  But is it really possible for two people to say those words and really mean them? Is it really possible for two people to mean the same thing?  Life has taught me that there are certain things worth holding on to.  There are difficult moments in life but at the end of the day all I want is to hear those three words.  All I want is to know that everything will be okay.  But everything will not always be okay.  Life is full of darkness and pain but there are also moments in life that are beautiful and full of light and happiness.  So when I think of those three simple words, that is what I think of. I think of pain, darkness and sadness; but at the end of the day I am thinking of the beautiful light and joy that I can share with the people around me.  Life will not always feel right. Life will not always make things easy or straightforward.  But if you told tight to those three simple words and the people you wish to share them with, then at the end of the day you can find comfort in hearing, "I Love You".  And you can rest assured those words will last forever.

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