Wednesday, July 20, 2011

It's True What They Say...Time Flies When You Are Having Fun

So I kinda slacked off on my blogging during last Spring semester. Yes, it was the beginning of many great changes in my life but it was also very hectic and I didn't always have time to get on and blog. So needless to say, I am going to start blogging more often. Alrighty, school wrapped up nicely! For the first time in my college career I got straight A's! Makes me wonder why I didn't decide to be an English major from the beginning. Oh well, I guess some lessons are only learned the hard way. During the school year I tried refocusing everything in my life. I felt like I woke up one day and I was on some strange road a hundred miles away from where I needed to be. So many good things happened last semester but there were definitely some things I regret. I purposefully pushed myself off the face of the earth. I thought it would be better for me to be safe then have to explain to everyone why I am making so many changes in my life. Bad idea. All that got me was a semi-lonely semester and a gas bill out the roof (I moved back home and commuted to school every day). So finals went well and, like I said before, I passed every class with an A! Snaps for me! I had a week of summer break before I was packing my bags and hopping on a plane to Washington State with a bunch of other Lipscomb kids to learn about saving the earth and hugging trees. It was definitley an experience to remember. I met a lot of new and interesting people and I got to check another state and geographical location off my bucket list. Come to find out...I also made A's in both my travel course classes! More snaps for me! One more week of summer break and...HCA internship starts (read previous blog for more info on how that experience has been). One week into the internship I was once again packing my bags and hopping on a plane. But this time I was headed to Honduras with some of the most amazing people I have ever met! Maybe some day I will put some clippets from my Honduras journal on a blog. It is just too hard to put into words what it is like to be in Honduras. So my advice to you would be...hop on a plane and go see for yourself! On arriving back in the states, Laura Burgess and I decided that next summer we are going to be interns at Jovenes en Camino. We fell in love with the country, the language, and the culture. We want to make Honduras and the people there a bigger part of our lives. And now here I am today, sitting in an office that makes me want to pull my hair out. One and a half weeks left and then I have most of August to enjoy my summer break! School starts on the 22nd. Can't wait! I am taking four English classes and hopefully Spanish. Well...that's all for now. So glad to be blogging again!

God bless!


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