Monday, January 17, 2011

True Success

It is interesting to me how people get so wrapped up in the materialistic life and what is considered 'the norm' for today's world. Right now I am reading a book series called "Linage of Grace" by Francine Rivers.  It is five different stories about women in the Bible and how their lives fit into the bigger picture. But what has me thinking lately is how different our lives are today compared to the lives of the people in this book. Even just one hundred years ago life was so much more simple than today. Sometimes I wonder how the world got focused on independence and materialism. It seems like all that's important in this life is to get an education, get a good job, make money and climb the ladder of success.The confusing part is, how does that all fit into God's will?

When do we get so caught up in our daily life that we forget God's will and pursue our own will. I wonder if human kind has really been like this since the beginning. Have humans always been more consumed with success, power and money than with love, relationships and peace? I know one person can't change the world, but if I could I would try to help people understand that material things and earthly power isn't what is going to last. Our relationships with people are ultimately going to last.

I don't have it all figured out, but I do know that the world does not offer what humans long for.

God bless!

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